The Rouge Valley Quilters' Guild is a not-for profit organization that was established in 1980 to bring together people interested in quilts and quilting. In 2012 there are dozens of quilt guilds all across Ontario. With meetings and quilt shows and the explosion of quilting on the internet, the world of quilts is more accessible then ever. Magazines, books, videos and websites instruct and delight, while specialty shops cater to our every need. It was not always so easy.
In 1980, when the Rouge Valley Quilters' Guild was formed, it became the third quilt guild in Ontario, following Etobicoke Quilters' Guild in 1977 and York Heritage Quilters' Guild in 1979. The distance to meetings in Etobicoke and North York was prohibitive for many women in our area. We needed a guild to serve Scarborough, Pickering and points east.
Kay Sayer, a local quilting teacher and founding member of York Heritage Quilters' Guild, along with some students and quilting friends, formed Rouge Valley Quilters' Guild in 1980. It attracted 70 members initially and has grown.
Guild members love quilts. We love to talk about quilts, look at quilts, make quilts for our families and other outreach programs, we also like to expand our knowledge of quilts with workshops and guest speakers. Regular meetings give us the opportunity to share in the wonderful work of quilting.
To read about the RVQG Constitution, please click here.
General information is found in Articles 1 to 11 (page 1 - 4).
A summary of the executive and committee convenor jobs and responsibilites is found in Article 12 (pages 4-6).
To learn more about becoming a member of the guild, please click here.